An open letter to women:: What men REALLY want

 Words:: E. Mackey
I was thinking, the most BEAUTIFUL women are the ones that are selfless. I think that submissive, caring, driven women are so sexy! I love it when I look at a woman’s page (on social media) and it’s nice and sweet. No club pics, no pictures of her in the mirror, no vulgar, drama filled updates… just her. I realized that most women draw their cues from other women. They look at big butts, huge breasts, hairstyles, and lifestyles of other women and try to imitate it thinking that it’s what men want. Well, its NOT. Yes, we give those women attention, yes those women get flown places, yes they get taken shopping, but at the end of the day (to us) they are simply something to do. (Typically something to sex). The treatment that they get is part of a contract. That is, spend a little money and a little time and her legs will always be open for you. (Dudes do just enough to keep them interested.)
What men, GOOD MEN, REALLY want is a GOOD woman! PERIOD. Give a man your (undivided) attention, time and affection and he will give you love and respect. If you cater to him, nurture him, mend his wounds and encourage his dreams he will lay down his life for you!
A man, a REAL MAN, takes pride in being a man! He will sacrifice EVERYTHING if it will put one smile on his woman’s face. No mountain will be too high to climb and no ocean too deep to swim. A man will go to the ends of the Earth to provide for the RIGHT woman.
Ladies, take pride in being a WOMAN. Take pride in the fact that you are the backbone of mankind. The power, majesty and beauty of civilization comes from your womb! We (men) recognize that. We long for the woman that understands that as well.
Allow us to take the lead. Not to control you, but to protect you. Let us clear the path so that your walk will be made easy.
Submit to us. Not for us to stand over you, but so that we can extend our hand to lift you up, over our heads.
Ladies, in our eyes (a REAL man’s eyes), there is NOTHING more precious than a woman. NOTHING.
One thing that I have realized about relationships is that people are continuously responding to the actions of others. What that means is, the best way to be happy, the best way to have a healthy, meaningful relationship is to give what you expect to get. If you want to be cherished, respected and valued, give us those things!
The treatment that a man gives to his woman starts and ends with her. Consider us, our feelings, our expectations, and the fact that we want to be treated EXACTLY how you want to be treated and watch as the world opens up to you.
Ladies, we love you, we need you, and we want you to understand that the way you treat us (and YOURSELF) dictates the way that we treat you.
Lastly, understand that your beauty and value ARE NOT defined by how you look or what you own. Your beauty and value is defined by your heart and it’s ability to give and RECEIVE love.
I’m done being sappy.
****************************************** LADIES, PLEASE READ *******************************************
I appreciate all of the love and encouraging words that a lot of you have given me via facebook, instagram and twitter. However, there are a handful of women that (somehow) found this letter degrading and offensive and they spoke about it in the comments section below. This is the response that I left for those women. I am adding it to the note just in case anyone who has yet to read this note may have been offended in any way::
I have been skimming all of these hateful and bitter attacks at my character (by people that don’t have a clue who I am) and I am kind of confused at what was so offensive?
I wrote this letter after meeting a woman that possessed all of the (positive) qualities that I listed above. I was so blown away by how PHENOMENAL of a woman that she was, that I found myself doing things for her that I never imagined that I would do.
After experiencing the love that she gave me, it made me sit and think. I wondered what it was about her that made me feel so empowered? I wondered what it was about her that inspired me to be so much better? It was as if the love that she gave was making me better. 
As I thought about this woman, I realized that I knew another woman that had the same qualities. A woman that was strong and caring. A woman that I watched cook, clean, and nurture. It was my grandmother. (The person that I have always viewed as definition of a GREAT woman). My new boo had reminded me of the GREATEST woman that I have ever known, and she made me PROUD to be a man! She made me WANT to be the best man that I could be to her because she made me feel like she deserved it! 
The feeling that she gave me had me so inspired that I wrote this letter. I wrote it because I have a mother, a sister, and female friends that I LOVE very deeply and I wanted to do whatever I could for them to be looked at by a man the way that I looked at the woman that I was dating. I wrote this letter because I, personally, feel that all women are BEAUTIFUL and deserve to be loved, valued, and cherished. 
I have never been a woman, I will never BE a woman, so I would never pretend to be able to fully understand life from a woman’s perspective. I am, however, a man and I wanted to share with women some of the things that inspired me to be a BETTER man to the person that I was involved with. These things were qualities that I always looked for and could never find. But, once I did, I was blown away!
So, to everyone that has accused me of being “stupid”, “chauvinistic”, “immature” or any of the number of ridiculous things that I have been called, I would like you to know that I actually have 2 degrees (I’m not stupid), I have ALWAYS been an AVID supporter of equal rights for EVERYONE (male, female, young, old, gay or straight) so the “chauvinistic” thing actually made me laugh hysterically, and lastly, I will be celebrating my 30th birthday on Jan. 7th… (I’m not immature).
Finally, let me just point out the fact that the advice that I gave was from the perspective of a GOOD man. When I wrote the article, I made sure to emphasize that the men that I was referencing were “REAL MEN” and “GOOD” men. With that said, there is no way on this planet that I would ever tell a woman to give this type of treatment to a sorry man. That would make him WORSE! *Side note, I personally think that most of the guys in this generation are weak! They can’t tie ties, fix anything if it breaks, and most of them don’t even own or know how to use a tool… To me, that is a sorry excuse for a man (but that’s a different post).
At the end of the day, you don’t have to agree with what I wrote. It doesn’t bother me at all. But I wrote this from my heart because I honestly wanted other people to experience what it felt like to find someone that will love, respect and value them. This was not about male dominance, this was about men and women having mutual respect for one another. 
By the way, on the day after I posted this letter, I also posted a WOMAN’S perspective. I SUPPORT what she (the author) has written 100% so PLEASE read it before you accuse me of having some male dominating agenda::

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