Fake Indonesia Snow Video Goes Viral as “News”

Time to quell yet again another renegade social media insanity gone viral once and now going viral again. A video shot last August saying it is snowing in Indonesia has now resurfaced and been contributed to several articles as “the first snowfall ever in Indonesia”

1: Facts all wrong, it has snowed before in Indonesia, on some of the countries highest mountains snow is around all year. Jayawijaya Mountains on New Guinea has a continuous layer of snow.  If you want google Indonesia tourism / snow. You can schedule a trip there.
2: The video is all alone on its youtube channel,  its once again a phantom news agency created by the same person who created the Mindanao snow story.
3: There are no other reports of snow in any tropical areas of Indonesia! You would think if something that extraordinary was to occur it would be trending on twitter, or in the news. Right?  This video is yet another example of the power of social media and the way people get their news with new and improved internet services worldwide.
4: If you need more proof, the vegation is not local, even at the :30 mark pine trees are seen in the background.
UPDATE: To further validate this is not true the Malaysia Met Department took time out of their schedule to release a official statement on the matter.

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