Feng Shui Checklist: 7 Steps to Locate the Best Home!

Looking for a home with Feng Shui in mind ensures a smoother process and long lasting happiness in your new digs.  Of course, while finding a well cared for structure is always important; there are other items – both visible and invisible – that can influence your peace of mind in a new home. Use the following checklist to stay focused on key items to help find that perfect home!

7 Step Feng Shui Checklist:

1. Why are the current owners selling –or- why did the last tenants leave?  This is an important question!  If they left for positive life changes, chances are that the home will leave positive vibes for you.  If there were negative issues such as divorce, illness, death, financial problems; then that energy might also be left behind!
2. Is it easy to find the front door?  The front door’s location will indicate how easy it is for positive ch’i to enter your life. If you have to walk around the side to find the door, it is more difficult for good ch’i to find you!
3. Where is the house located along the street?  Locations at the end of a cul-de-sac, on dead end streets, at the top of a “T” intersection or on a corner each have negative implications.  It’s best to find a home that is not situated on one of the above scenarios so you won’t have depleted energy dropping at your door.

4. What do you see when you look out the windows?  Take notice that your neighbors care of their property can influence you.  Things to avoid next door: all white homes (depleting); churches/synagogues/spiritual centers (too active in daytime, energy depletion at night); unkempt landscaping (may indicate sickness inside) and other things that just don’t feel right.
5. Is the house rectangular or square with small extensions?  This is an ideal Feng Shui situation – as cut out areas can imply an area of life that could be depleting. A trained Feng Shui review of a potential home can rule out any questions if you have your heart set on a more unusual shape.
6. Do you know when the roof was last replaced?  The newer, the better. Who wants leaky roofs?  Moreover, in the world of Feng Shui, we move in 20 year cycles.  The date that the roofis placed is the date that energies of the universe were encapsulated.  Energy is constantly shifting, and chances are that the closer to the current time period, the brighter the outlooks for your future.
7. Are there any large electrical transformers or appliances near the rooms you will sleep in?  Transformers nearby or overhead can deplete immune systems.  It is important to determine where your bed will be located.  Look to see what is on the other side of the wall!  You won’t want to see a circuit breaker, refrigerator, washer/dryer, or large electrical appliances.

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