Top 5 Reasons Men Cheat

It has been an unfortunate part of some relationships since man first dated woman. For any number or reasons,  people sometimes get cheated on. All too often after someone has been cheated on, they look back at the potential mistakes they may have made. Did they go out too much or spend too much time on their computer? Did they tell not make enough effort with their appearance? Instead of letting yourself get into this position where fund yourself in a bit of a dark place after being dumped, why not read through the following reasons guys cheat on women so you can try to avoid it happening to you.

1. He feels unappreciated
Men find it unmanly to ask for any kind of appreciation in the relationship. This is the way it should be as nobody likes to have a nice thing done for them and then to ask for praise. If however you take everything for granted especially if he does to a lot for you, then you need to be warned, he may start looking for that appreciation elsewhere. You should try to set a culture in your relationship of appreciation and thoughtfulness. Once you have set the tone, he is likely to match it.

2. You cheated on him
You should know that men as well as women have extremely long memories. The emotional hurt and lack of respect you show when you cheat will scar your partner forever. If you have ever cheated on your partner, there is a chance your relationship can get back on the right track, however you do need to be aware, his instinct may be to think that if you did it to him, then he can do it to you. It is extremely difficult to get past this one as you cannot set one standard for yourself and another for him. My best advice… Don’t Cheat!

3. He needs excitement
If every night he gets home from work to find you sat on your phone to a friend or watching TV. If every time he asks you out to do something or go on a date, you are too busy or reject him, do not be surprised if he starts to get bored. Men need excitement and stimulation in their lives. This applies even more if he works long hours all day. Try to surprise him now and then with special treats. These don’t even have to cost anything. Give him massage, run him a hot bath, cook his favourite meal now and then. This leads back to the feeling of appreciation but it can also increase the general excitement levels of the relationship.

4. His friend/s cheated
If your partner ever tells you that his friend cheated on their partner, I recommend that you really take the time to sit down and tell him how digesting you find it. Even if you don’t care for or even  know his friend it is crucially important for you to let him know how utterly disgusting you find that kind of behaviour. It is your ideal opportunity to let him know just how strongly you feel about any kind of infidelity. He will soon realise that if he ever cheats on you, there will be no second chances.

5. There is something missing
It may surprise you to know that recent surveys carried out on cheating men fund that only 12% found the person they cheated with more attractive than their partners. It was less about the looks and more about the other person filling a need or a void that is missing in his life. Another shocking statistic from the survey  is that only 6% of men who have cheated, did it on the first night. The majority got to know the other person before they got into bed with them. This is in a strange way a positive as it means that when nipped in the bud, cheating behaviour can be avoided.

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