Airbus Confirms Timing for A350 XWB First Flight

Airbus Confirms Timing for A350 XWB First Flight

Airbus has confirmed that the A350 XWB first flight is planned for this Friday, 14th June, based on current visibility of the programme and the flight test status.  Weather conditions permitting, the A350 XWB “MSN1” will take off from Toulouse-Blagnac airport at around 10:00 am local time.
The A350 XWB is the manufacturer’s all-new mid-size long range product line comprising three versions and seating between 270 and 350 passengers in typical three-class layouts.  Airbus says the new family will bring a step change in efficiency compared with existing aircraft in this size category, using 25% less fuel and providing an equivalent reduction in CO2 emissions.  Scheduled for entry-into-service in second half of 2014, the A350 XWB has already won 613 firm orders from 33 customers worldwide.
Airbus’A350 XWB flight test teams are now carrying out the last checks aircraft MSN1 before they give their final green light for the first flight to take place this Friday.  Recent pre-first flight tests successfully carried out include the first power up of the fuel efficient Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engines on MSN1, which took place on June 2nd.

新加坡航空展 2014 將會在 2 月 11 號舉行,飛機大廠會參展幾乎是必然的事,不過 Airbus 今年會有點驚喜給大家。他們宣佈旗下正在測試的 A350 XWB 將會在 11 和 12 號兩日期間為大家帶來飛行表演。雖然這次不是 A350 XWB 首次擺脫地心吸力,但卻是自懂得飛行以來首次有正式的飛行表演呢。看來測試的進度已經令到他們有足夠的信心去讓這款尚未上市的飛機,在眾目睽睽之下表演。屆時 Airbus 的官網還會有同步直播,所以各位飛行迷不要錯過這個機會啦。至於實際的表演時間是何時,就連 Airbus 也尚未確定,如有進一步消息再告訴大家。

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